What is Ratijaga?

In two words Ratijaga is nothing but just a night wake. Generally we also called it as Jaagran. Ratijaga is celebrated at the end of Vrat in Hindu custom.

Ratijagas are usually organized and performed by women, who are supposed to spend an entire night singing songs to honor the various deities and spirits dear to the household. Sometimes Rajput women actually do stay up all night singing, but often they delegate this task to servants and village women, whom they pay.

Two figures who always appear in the lists of songs sung by families are the kuldevi and the sati. Others so honored may include various Bherus (local manifestations of the Sanskritic deity Bhairava; attendants of kuldevis and other goddesses), pitru's and pitrani's (male and female ancestors), and jhumjhar's (warriors who died violent deaths but continued fighting after death to exact revenge).

The ratijaga is performed in conjunction with the same ceremonies during which dhok is given, except the hair-cutting ceremony.
