Best Utama Spice Products Review

Utama Spice's skincare an aromatherapy system is a dynamic approach to the well-being of the body and mind. Utama Spice's products are made from simple natural ingredients with naturally distilled essential oils. It never use parabens, chemical binders, or synthetics of any sort in its products and it make every batch by hand from scratch.

Utama Spice is everything I want from a cos­metic com­pany: an envi­ron­men­tally friendly, eco-minded bunch of peo­ple whose prod­ucts are so nat­ural you could in fact eat them — but most impor­tantly, in prac­tice, the prod­ucts are sim­ply supreme and deliver all what you would hope for in top-quality lux­ury spa prod­ucts, at very rea­son­able prices, leav­ing my skin smelling deli­cious and look­ing gor­geous. I wanted to share with you my faves.

Best Utama Spice Products Review

Liq­uid Anti­sep­tic Soap

This soap smells med­i­c­i­nal and herba­ceous; I find it extremely invig­o­rat­ing, yet super gen­tle to my sen­si­tive skin. The anti­sep­tic prop­er­ties of the oils also make it ideal to wash my face and help get rid of imper­fec­tions. An uplift­ing and heal­ing mul­ti­tasker that is bound to become a faith­ful travel companion.

Cocoa Love But­ter

The ingre­di­ents of this rich face and body but­ter are cocoa but­ter, coconut oil, vanilla and cin­na­mon bark. Just imag­ine how heav­enly this smells — oh, but you’re not even close. I may or may not have tasted it. This is another mul­ti­tasker that I like to slather on my dry, sun-abused face and body. The con­sis­tency is solid at room tem­per­a­ture in colder cli­mates, but it melts on skin con­tact, so run a wee chunk between your palms before rub­bing it in. It is quite greasy at first, but absorbs into the skin quickly. I apply this all over before bed and wake up feel­ing smooth and hydrated. No need for dessert.

Bali­nese Boreh Body Scrub

Utama Spice’s scrubs are unlike any I have used before: a pow­dered mix of rice, spices, herbs and tree barks to which you add a lit­tle water until a goop forms that you then apply to your body and leave to dry for 5 or 10 min­utes before scrub­bing it off and rins­ing with water. The first thing that makes this so dif­fer­ent from any other scrub is the tingly, warm­ing feel­ing it gave to my skin thanks to the spices it con­tains. It felt more like a body mask, also com­ing from the fact that it’s not exces­sively scrubby. I guess in French I would call this a ‘gom­mage’. I like that this scrub calls for slow­ing down and tak­ing time for your­self — and did I men­tion it smells like heaven? Some­thing rem­i­nis­cent of an Indian bak­ery. Sweet and spicy. Mmmm… To jazz things up and add extra mois­ture, you could mix it with a lit­tle coconut oil. Absolute exotic amaz­ing freak­ing bliss.

Laven­der hair oil

The hair oil is what made me fall in love with the com­pany in the first place, so nat­u­rally I had to get more. Putting coconut oil in your hair is just about the best thing you can do for it. It mois­tur­izes, heals and pro­tects. My hair is quite dry and brit­tle, so I apply this to my split ends after wash­ing, but you could also use it as a mask prior to wash­ing. I also put it all over my hair before a day at the beach to pro­tect it from the sun and the salt, and I’ve made my own “surf spray” with it, mix­ing it with equal part sea water that I spray on my clean hair when I’m miss­ing that slightly disheveled, wavy beach look. Best beard soft­ener as well.

Rose Allure face and body lotion

All of Utama Spice’s body lotions are light yet hydrat­ing and glide on like a dream, leav­ing your skin feel­ing super soft and smelling gor­geous. The Rose Allure one reminds me of my usual day cream so much (Rose Nec­tar by Melvita) but at a frac­tion of the cost. I’m a convert.

Yoga Mat Spray

My yoga mat comes along every­where I go and some­times ends up smelling a lit­tle funky after being dragged in the sand, grass and in buses’ under­car­riage. This spray kills bac­te­ria and smells of cin­na­mon, mak­ing child pose a hell of a lot more pleas­ant. I also spray it on my back­pack, run­ning shoes and, ahem, day old t-shirts! It is appar­ently also good to keep pup­pies from chew­ing on things!
